Armenia today

Armenia is a country that has come a long way, a country rich in historical and cultural experience.

We cherish and love Armenia but we cannot help but notice the problems that people living in this country face.

Today, the issue of poverty and class inequality is extremely acute in Armenia. In 2022, the level of poverty rate

in Armenia increased to 27%. According to experts, by the end of this year it could grow to 42%. This means that almost half of the country will live in conditions of extreme poverty. Such a life puts people in a very vulnerable position

and basic phenomena, such as access to education, good health, development and hobbies,

are becoming unaffordable luxuries.

We see a crisis in university education; we observe an outflow of talented and capable people

from the country because of the small market capacity. It is difficult for people to find work in Armenia,

and they are leaving, while the country is losing its most valuable human resource.

We witness a crisis in healthcare with people trusting local medicine less and less,

while private healthcare is very expensive and unaffordable for the majority of people.

Armenia has experienced many losses and tragedies; people need to process them and to freely reflect upon them.

That is why, the cultural, historical and spiritual development of the society should be encouraged.

We have compassion and we cannot ignore what our people are forced to face every day.

Together with that, we believe that in the future Armenia will overcome the existing problems

and become prosperous and happy. And it is in our hands to accelerate the onset of this moment.